Glossary of Terms

ASD - Autistic Spectrum Disorder: pretty self explanatory really (includes Aspergers).

SI - Special Interest: a subject that an Aspie finds almost obsessively fascinating.

NT - Neuro-Typical: someone who is not on the Autistic Spectrum.

OCD - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: a mental health problem characterised by repetitive or obsessive behaviour in response to particular events or situations.

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Looking back on 2011

It is apparently traditional social protocol at this time of year to make New Years Resolutions. I however have no time for making absurdly impossible promises to better myself, especially when said promises are dictated by specific time-frames (did you understand that, because looking back I'm not sure that I entirely do. Like a monkey in a dress, it just seems wrong (though nowhere near as hilarious). I think I need some coffee...).

Author sods off to kitchen: spends 2 minutes reading the back of the coffee jar, 5 minutes staring out of the window whilst kettle almost boils itself dry and longer than strictly necessary stirring in the sugar. Ah... procrastination...

OK. I'm back and more importantly I have caffeine. You might think that I am a bit of a pessimist believing that resolutions are a pointless (they are; just look at a list of UN resolutions!), but I consider myself a realist, which I believe is somewhere in the middle of optimism and pessimism. No, I prefer instead to reflect upon what happened the year before and learn from the mistakes I made or the success that I enjoyed. 2011 was a tough year, or at least tougher than 2010; though both were easy compared to 2009. A large part of the trials that I experienced were the result of external events that I could neither predict, nor prevent. I was simply swept along by circumstances beyond my control. However, they did provide me with a great lesson to apply to 2012: enjoy the little things. For example, I can cope with a rough day provided I end up in my own bed at night with a good book or if I can take some time to watch a good film/play a good game. It just means making the best out of a crappy situation. I guess it all comes back the the CBT technique 'Mindfulness'. Here's hoping it will help me in 2012.

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